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NCI's New Website

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website design! We love to tell our story and share our consulting solutions in a clear and concise manner; and are confident that this new web design accomplishes that. The new design is streamlined and has multiple points of engagement; where you can schedule time with us for an online meeting or send us a quick message for immediate response. Please take a look around and share the new site with your colleagues.

We'd also like to hear from you. If you would like to discuss our offerings or your own solution's fit in the market and any possible synergies; please schedule an online meeting through the newly designed website.

HOMEPAGE; Here our current and prospective clients will find useful information about NCI's focus. There is also a point of contact embedded through the page to schedule some time with us via an online meeting. You can hear from those we have worked with through video testimonials. Send us a message through the homepage contact or find us on social media.

ABOUT SECTION; Here you can find a simple layout and brief description of the base services we offer (there's more to come). You can also find our Team and their bios. There is a block of written testimonials as well from past clients, GPO executives, and IDN executives.

SERVICES SETION; Here you can find more details about the core services we offer; which have been a part of our processes since 1986. There is also a section for the PPE sourcing from American Manufacturers.

RESOURCES SECTION; (still under some development) Here you can find some helpful downloads and links to other valuable resources in the Healthcare community. The news section within here is where you can keep up with current activities of NCI, our clients, and important industry information.

We are sure that within the new website you will find all the information you need. If you have any feedback or if you'd just like to have a discussion; please send us an email.